Demo 2
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Niels W. Gade

Albertinus, Aegidius

Comala (demonstrates advanced source descriptions)

Dramatisches Gedicht nach Ossian für Solo, Chor und Orchester


Dramatisk Digt efter Ossian

Opus 12
Demo 2

Autographenhandlung Hans Adler
Dedicatee: King Christian VIII of Denmark

This file may be used to illustrate the use of items and components for the description of sources. For instance, note the description of specific copies of a print separate from the general description of the print run (sources A, D etc.), and the description of sets of parts (H and J), giving a general description of the set as well as descriptions of the individual parts. Source J combines these two options to describe a printed set of parts and a specific copy of it.

Sources J and N also have reprint editions defined by means of relations between the sources.

Please note: The content of this file has been modified for demonstration purposes and does not represent accurate real-world data.

Composition: 1845–1846.

The autograph score is end-dated Leipzig den 11 Märtz 1846.

Instrumentation: Orchestra: 2 fl.flauto (flute) , 2 ob.oboe , 2 cl.clarinetto (clarinet) (A, B♭, C), 2 fg.fagotto (bassoon) , 2 cor.corno (horn) (C, D, E), 2 cor.corno (horn) (C, E♭, E), 2 tr.tromba (trumpet) (C, E♭, E), trb.a.trombone alto (alto trombone) , trb.t.trombone tenore (tenor trombone) , trb.b.trombone basso (bass trombone) , tb.tuba , timp.timpani , ptti.piatti (cymbals) , arpa, vl.1violino 1 , vl.2violino 2 , vla.viola , vlc.violoncello , cb.contrabbasso (double bass) Choir: S, S, A, T, T, B, B
Roles: Comala, Fingals Geliebte (S); Dersagrena, Comalas Jungfrau (MezzS); Melicoma, Comalas Jungfrau (A); Fingal, König von Morwen (Bar)
Comala, Fingal's beloved (S); Dersagrena, Comala's maid (MezzS); Melicoma, Comala's maid (A); Fingal, King of Morwen (Bar)

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File title:

Comala (demonstrates advanced source descriptions)


MerMEId demo files

File publication:

Danish Centre for Music Editing (DCM)
The Royal Library
Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1
P.O. Box 2149
DK - 1016 Copenhagen K
E-mail: mailto://


Editor: Axel Teich Geertinger

Use for demonstration purposes only

Last changed 2024-09-17 12:37

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